Our Mission:
We the family of St. Alphonsus Catholic Parish,
strive to live out Jesus Christ’s call to discipleship
by praying, serving, and growing spiritually.
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Annual Diocesan Appeal
The Annual Diocesan Appeal provides the financial lifeblood for a broad range of ministries. Your generous gifts make a difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters throughout Southeast Iowa. This Appeal helps with the daily operations of the Diocese. As of September 18, 2024 total payments made to the ADA are $56,610.93, total pledged is $60,020.93. Goal is $59,797.00. Thank you for your generosity!
If you would like your pet blessed please join us this Saturday, Oct. 5 at 9:00am in the Gathering Space.
Calendar of Events...
Mass Times
Thursday - 8:30 a.m.
Saturday - 6:00 pm
Sunday - 8:00 am
Spanish Mass 2:00 pm - 2nd Sunday each month
Office Hours...
- Father Ross Epping, Parochial Administrator
- Mrs. Barb Brown, Office Manager
- Mrs. Kelley Tansey, Faith Formation Coordinator
- Mr. Paul Skevington, Director of Music and Choir Director
- Ms. Laura Westfall, Youth Band Director
Direct Deposit and Church Registration Information...
Thank you for your generous support of our Parish through your electronic giving! It is with your great support that our parish not only survives but thrives during this time. Also, have you registered at St. Alphonsus Church? Please mail your forms to the Church at 607 S. Jackson St., Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641.